martes, 9 de enero de 2018



A veces un fantasma
recorre mis bolsillos,
sacude aquel enigma
y se va solo, en silencio,
recordando su compañía.
Bajo un cielo de cemento
el fantasma aparece, se describe
en el secreto de mis versos
y luego se aguarda de las noches,
de las calles y sus jaurías.
Yo conservo sus recovecos
en los enseres de mi presente ausencia
y a veces los visito
en las mañanas de tugurio o de esquina.
A veces mi alma es fantasma de silencio
y quizás torreón o pirámide
¿Palabra en el desierto?
¿Palabra de metal? ¿Chimpancé?
Allá el horizonte:
palabra en catenaccio,
táctica de mi tinta negra.
"Click" aquí para ver el vídeo de Youtube. 
.-_Ismael López Pozo_-.

35 comentarios:


    1) *tõlgitud bioonilise tõlgiga*. 23/08/23

    Tere ja kordan veel kord seda, millele viidati varem saadetud teatistes. Usun, et see on võimatu ilma piisava sobivuse, väärika palga ja õige toitumise ja hügieenita ning ülejäänu, sest teistega oleks probleem seoses võimaliku kodakondsusetuse puudumisega, mis on tingitud minu probleemidest teistest riikidest pärit teabe tõttu. Ma kannatan ebaseadusliku täieliku orjuse all, mille tõttu on teistega seotud majanduslik vaesus. Ammu enne seda, kui üritasin Tallinna kodutute sotsiaalteenustega ühendust võtta. Praegu pole mul sotsiaalteenistusest vastuseid ja mul on need probleemid. Ma ei maga kunagi Tallinnas varjupaikades ja magan ainult linnatänava osades. Minu jaoks on palju tööd ja ma ei ole võimeline kõigi tööd tegema. Riigi heaolu tahtis, et annaksite mulle, mis on vajalik, ja ma ei leidnud seda sobivust vaatamata suurele pingutusele. Usun, et olen andnud vastavad selgitused ja tervitused.

    Ismael López Pozo.

    Järelkiri: viidatud teave on kehtiv kuni praeguse ajani 23.08.23 y Ja paljud muutuvad ajas, sest võib-olla magan hiljem mõnes Tallinna või mujal hotellis ja minu pangavara varastati ebaseaduslikult ja mõnikord ebaseaduslikult koos kaamerate ja muuga.

    Järelsõna 2: nagu ma ütlen võimatu, kuigi oleksin võinud isegi vajaliku nimekirja kokku leppida sellega, mida oleks vaja, kui oleks olemas vajalik maht, et vaenlastele vaatamata vajalikku teha (raha eurodes iga päeva eest, varustus, peavarju mis on mida ei halda vaenlased) ja tagama, et pärast seda ei sõltuks ma eespool nimetatud ebaseadusliku orjuse kaotamisest vaenlastest - y Ja paljud muutuvad ajas, sest võib-olla magan hiljem mõnes Tallinna või mujal hotellis ja minu pangavara varastati ebaseaduslikult ja mõnikord ebaseaduslikult koos kaamerate ja muuga-.

    Järelsõna 3: Ma võin ka üsna tõenäoliselt öelda, et vaenlased lugesid käesolevat teatist, kui saadan teate.



    2) *tõlgitud bioonilise tõlgiga*.

    Tere ja tahaksin öelda, et saatsin teile viimastel aegadel mitu teadet. Ütlen, et sidega räägin probleemidest, mis on Tallinna avalike teenustega koos tualettruumidega ja samuti küsin infot probleemide kohta, mida pean kodutuna linnas üle elama ja ütlen ka, et sidega olen ebaseaduslikus orjuses ja kuidas võimatu on oma riiki aidata, kui eelistate riigi vaenlasi. Võin öelda, et probleemid teenustega püsivad sellega, kuidas privaatsust rikutakse teenuste võtmetega suletud uste avamisel. Ütlen seda ka ebaseaduslikult turvatöötajateks ebaseaduslikult maskeerunud inimeste poolt. Ütlen ka seda, et raha, mis mulle tuleb, on ebaregulaarne nende pikaajaliste tööde eest, mida igapäevaselt linnas kodutuna teen jm. Ütlen ka, et palgad on vaatamata suurele töötamisele väga väikesed ja sellised palgad oleks mind külmal talvepäeval tapnud, sest ähvardati mind juba alla 30 kraadise külmaga rünnata ja usun, et ma ei võlgne rohkem selgitusi Vaatamata uued sündmused ja tervitused.

    Ismael López Pozo.

    PS: Ma ütlen, et nad ähvardasid väga madalate temperatuuridega ilmastikuvalikutega, mida nad mulle kahjustavad ja osaliselt muud majandusagressioonid. Ma ütlen ka, et viis, kuidas nad sunnivad mind rahaliselt sõltuma kurjategijatest, kes mind ebaseaduslikult orjastavad, on ebaseaduslik ja ma ütlen, et riiki on niimoodi võimatu aidata ja võimalik, et ma lahkun, kui saan.


    3) *tõlgitud bioonilise tõlgiga*. 11/08/23

    Tere ja ütlen, et saatsin teile erinevat infot, millega soovisin erinevaid informatiivseid abivahendeid.

    Tahan öelda, et veetsin mitu nädalat Tallinnas kodutuna ja ütlen, et ma ei saanud seda infot, mida palusin.

    Tahan öelda, et selline olin mina inimesena, kes oli majanduslikult sõltuv inimestest, keda peeti minu jaoks ebasoovitavateks, sest need inimesed tahtsid mind ainult oma tegudega rünnata, hoolimata teie toetusest.

    Pean silmas seda, et mul oli mitu majandusprobleemi, mille tõttu ma püüdsin Eestist lahkuda. Ma ütlen, et väga külmal talvepäeval oleksid mulle seatud tingimused tapnud ja seetõttu, et ma ei leidnud seda, mida otsisin, oli mulle Eestis kodutuna ellujäämiseks vajalik.

    Ma ütlen ka, et raha, mida ma saan, on väga väike võrreldes rahaga, mida te ütlete, et investeerite teenustesse, mida ma valedele vaatamata ei saa, samas kui ma näen, kuidas te abi annate inimestele, kes mind ebaseaduslikult taga kiusavad. eelnimetatud inimesed elavad suure materiaalse luksusega selle raha eest, mida peaksite andma inimestele, kes on tõesti nagu kodutud või raha omamise vaesed.

    Ma ütlen ka, et olen olnud aastaid ebaseaduslik ori tohutu ebaseadusliku orjuse tõttu, mis osaliselt on iseenesest ebaseaduslik tagakiusamine, ja ütlen, et olen kodutu, kes otsib abi hoolimata nõudmisest ja kurjategijatest, kes ilmuvad korduvate rünnakute näol. eelmainitud tagakiusamise tõttu.

    Tervitan ja ütlen, et on minu e-post juhuks, kui teil on ühel päeval tõsine projekt oma riigi huvide kaitsmiseks ilma mürgiste inimesteta.

    Täna lahkun ma Eestist, sest nad ründavad mind sellistega ja solvavad mu intelligentsi ja viisakaid tervitusi.

    Ismael López Pozo.

  4. Hola y cabe decir ilegalidades policiales, y cabe emitir saludos cordiales.

    Ismael López Pozo.

  5. Hola y cabe decir que varios estaban como parte de lo triste por equivocados, y saludos.

    Ismael Lopez Pozo.

  6. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  7. Hola y cabe decir sí porque un pulmón también, y saludos. :p

    Ismael Lopez Pozo.

  8. Hei, jeg er for tiden flyktning i landet og jeg sier at jeg gjerne vil vite om de tilbyr hjelp til å kjøpe reisebilletter for å forlate Norge, og jeg sier at jeg allerede var i Oslo ved en annen anledning da det skjedde og jeg dro fra Oslo til fots, men foreløpig hindrer værforholdene meg i å gjøre det og med andre aktuelle problemer med slaveri til tider uten penger, og til tider kan jeg ikke bruke badet når jeg trenger det fordi det koster penger og uten å dekke andre grunnleggende behov til tider selv om jeg jobber hardt for penger og hilsener.

    Ismael Lopez Pozo.


  9. El lunes, 29 de enero de 2024, Ismael Lopez Pozo escribió:
    *Diese Mitteilung wurde von einer bionischen Maschine übersetzt und kann Fehler enthalten*.

    Hallo und ich sage, dass ich diese Mitteilung sende, um eine Beschwerde über die Sozialdienste dieser Stadt, „Berlin“, einzureichen. Solche sozialen Dienste ähneln denen, die ich im Folgenden erläutere, während ich einen Teil dessen erläutere, was in einer offiziellen telematischen Informationsdatei angegeben ist, die ich dieser Mitteilung beifüge.

    Am Containerbahnhof 1, 10367 Berlin
    Mo – Fr 10 – 16 Uhr (...).

    Weitlingstr. 11, 10317 Berlin | (...).
    | Mo – Fr 8 – 17 Uhr • Sa, So 9.30 – 15.30 Uhr


    Segitzdamm 46, 10969 Berlin | (...). | Mo, Fr 8.30 – 14 Uhr • Di 9 – 14 Uhr: nur Beratung
    Mi 8.30 – 16 Uhr + 1 x/Monat Sa & So 8.30 – 14 Uhr (...).

    Oudenarder Str. 26, 13347 Berlin | (...).
    Mo, Di, Mi, So 14 – 18 Uhr • So 11 – 15 Uhr (Kiezfrühstück)
    Fr 10:30-14:30 Uhr (Frauentag)
    - (...).".

    Ich sage, dass ich ein obdachloser Flüchtling bin und dass ich die umfassende Korruption in Deutschland aufzeige, die sich auf die Art und Weise auswirkt, wie sie das Geld anlegen, das sie offiziell für obdachlose Arme und Menschen mit anderen Problemen bereitstellen. Ich möchte sagen, dass ein Großteil dieses Geldes nicht für die beworbenen Zwecke investiert wird und ich während eines einwöchigen Aufenthalts in „Berlin“ gezwungen war, wie ein Sklave zu leben und schmutzige hygienische Bedingungen und wirtschaftliche Armut zu ertragen, die ich nur erlebt habe mehr als 10 Jahre. Dass ich als Vagabund in Teilen Deutschlands und in Teilen Spaniens gelebt habe und ich sage, dass ich mit weniger als 20 € für mehr als 7 Tage in der Stadt in Sklaverei und im Winter und unter gesundheitlichen Bedingungen gelebt habe, die dazu führten Ich durfte nach Angaben des Arztes nicht lebend ankommen, um 40 zu werden, und auch mit anderen ohne saubere Kleidung aufgrund von Lügen und Illegalitäten.


  10. Ich behaupte, dass darüber hinaus die Referenzen 1 und 3 in den offiziellen Informationen mit falschen oder nicht den tatsächlichen Öffnungszeiten entsprechenden Zeitplänen angezeigt werden, während die Referenzen 2 und 4 falsche Termine für Wäschereidienste angeben und darüber hinaus beleidigend und spöttisch sind Sie kommen Bedürftigen wie mir entgegen, weil sie sie durch Terminvereinbarungen zu unnötigen Taten zwingen und ihnen dann immer wieder die Hilfe verweigern, für die sie zitiert wurden. Was einige der verbleibenden Referenzen angeht, könnte ich weitere Beschwerden vorbringen, aber es ist sicherlich wichtig, die bemerkenswertesten hervorzuheben, da sie die Hilfe, die mir hätte gegeben werden sollen, klar verneint haben und klar gelogen haben, was zu unnötigen Handlungen geführt hat Spott über mich und meine Probleme (Hunger, Durst, Kälte, schmutzige Kleidung, Abwesenheit von zu Hause...) mit der illegalen, schrecklichen und missbräuchlichen Art, Kranke und Obdachlose zu misshandeln.

    Ich sage, dass die Fakten als solche mit illegalen Aktivitäten illegaler spanischer paramilitärischer Gruppen zusammenhängen, die mich seit Jahren in mehreren europäischen Städten verfolgen, und in Bezug auf meinen Fall füge ich eine schriftliche Mitteilung bei, die ich gesendet habe und in der sie erwähnt werden offizielle europäische Gerichte für das Verbrechen, das sie begehen.

    Ich sage das einfach und bringe die Misshandlungen zum Ausdruck, die die Stadt in Bezug auf Hygiene und soziales Wohlergehen erfährt, weil sie Zentren dieser Art, die dazu dienen sollten, das soziale Wohlergehen zu steigern und es gleichzeitig zu verteidigen, nachlässig verwaltet und nicht wegen dem, was sie tun. Dort mit Lügen, Misshandlungen, Diskriminierung, Diebstahl, Betrügereien... Durch diesen Zufall kam ich im Auftrag eines Kriminellen nach Berlin, der in mehreren Ländern illegal als Polizist gedient und zweimal illegal alles gestohlen hat das Geld, das ich ehrlich verdient habe.

    Auch ich grüße Sie und wünsche mir, dass ich aus dieser illegalen deutschen Sklaverei herauskomme, die mich als Menschen beschämt.

    Ismael López Pozo.

    Nachwort: Ich sage, dass sie versuchen, mich illegal in der Stadt festzuhalten, mich durch den Diebstahl meines Geldes und durch Umstände, die meiner Gesundheit ernsthaft schaden, schlecht zu behandeln, und ich sage, dass sie das deutsche Land ernsthaft in Gefahr bringen, indem sie auch schädlichen Launen nachkommen . von Kriminellen aus südeuropäischen Ländern, die anderen Schaden zufügen, Rechtspartner verraten, misshandeln, stehlen, verraten, lügen usw. und ich erkläre die angekündigte Mitteilung, um fortzufahren.

    Ismael Lopez Pozo.


    *Diese Mitteilung wurde von einer bionischen Maschine übersetzt und kann Fehler enthalten*.

    Hallo und ich sage, dass ich derzeit offiziell Ismael Lopez Pozo heiße und dass ich zuvor eine Mitteilung herausgegeben habe und diese Mitteilung herausgebe, um die referenzierten Informationen zu erweitern.

    Derzeit bin ich ein Flüchtling mit Armutsproblemen und werde von verschiedenen paramilitärischen Gruppen verfolgt, die mich sozial isolieren, und so bin ich durch verschiedene Teile Europas gereist. Ich leide unter Problemen der illegalen Sklaverei und habe Probleme mit meiner aktuellen Staatsangehörigkeit. Außerdem wurden mir meine Bankguthaben und damit mehr als 30.000 Euro gestohlen.

    Aufgrund (...).


  11. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  12. Hola y cabe decir soy madridista aunque oficialmente estatalmente yo no como nativo madrileño, y mejor lo de ganar con respecto a lo de perder pero me fastidian los partidos que el equipo ganar con posibles fallos arbitrales que impedir lo justiciero con respecto al suceder de tales partidos.

    No obstante también yo quiero decir que el equipo perdió grandes triunfos posibles por fallos arbitrales, y durante tiempos varios como con lo de no querer lo de recordar las consecuencias de tales que grandes pérdidas que padeció el equipo por perder grandes triunfos que con forma oficial ganaron otros y saludos.

    Ismael Lopez Pozo.

  13. Cabe decir hola ¿Usted sabe amar? ¿El amor no es sincero?

    Cabe emitir saludos.

    Ismael Lopez Pozo.

  14. Hello, (...); I am sad because of illegal circumstances that currently are affecting to my life, and that I already explained to you during times and that have been with me during a lot of years with an ilegal form.

    I'm very sad; with these circumstances I will never be able to marry with the girl that I love, and I am very sad because of this and she is very pretty.

    My health did not resist the circumstances that were imposed to me in "Copenaghe". I tried with my best skills but I could not do more because they were not as interesting for the offert of my project and I respect it but I was there as a victim of various abuses and my body couldn't continue with some demands of my slavery of there and this slavery does not respect me.

    Currently I left the city ("Copenaghe"), and I am thinking about to try to emigrate to some places that are better for my enterprise and these are as parts of some russian spaces with some chinese spaces and I hope the best and greetings.

    Ismael Lopez Pozo.

  15. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  16. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  17. Hello, "(...)"; do you know her? Why she did not come for speaking with me? Would we (she with me) rent a small house for us? I think that she did not come to me because of this circunstances and it is normal with respect the human conditions that existing for it.

    I am as victim of the big slavery that I told you and I have not money. Would they pay us the house with the food? I have not money and she may be with other boy because of this and I feel as frustrated while a lot of rich men (of money) want her and a part og these rich men (of money) may have sexual relations with her in parts of a car (of one of these rich men) while the car is parked in a field area that be out with respect the cities and I have the jealousy problems that I told you because of my emotional loving lacks that exist since I was born and the damage is done and I think that the best now be to try to do this that I told you with parts of others mesages.

    I was crying because of can not speak with her about a reality that leave us to do a family and really I am very sad because of this. Her brown hair during times and her laugh and others but better to stop of speak about she because this kind of love be as forbiden, and I am losing her because of the illegally circunstances that I told you and this circunstances are hurting me a lot.

    I think they have been a lot of years trying to destroy my life, and maybe now I lost her and I have to work good because they are atacking me a lot.

    I try to send you my last comunication other time as part of this mesage and I continue with my "travell route" and I hope the best, and salutations.

    Ismael Lopez Pozo.



  18. Hola; sigo con esta esclavitud ilegal europea y con otros como victima de varias acciones ilegales (que en parte de sí mismas como acciones ilegales con que robarme mis cuentas bancarias con más de 30000€) que hizo la dictadura bancaria ilegal europea.

    Sigo parecido con respectó a lo que ya te referencié, y aproximadamente igual con respecto a lo fundamental y digo que durante tiempos te envié varias informaciones que acerca de mis circunstancias y también otros que acerca de mi ideología política con otros, y digo que con estas comunicaciones expresar una gran cantidad de información que acaso puedas ver si estás interesado en tales. También digo que en parte de estas comunicaciones yo estaba hablando de circunstancias ilegales que fueron creadas por grupos paramilitares ilegales para hacerme daño.


  19. Cabe decir también que con ayuda de varios canales famosos de la televisión soliendo decir con mentiras que son buenos y así también diciendo que violaciones de derechos humanos fundamentales no están sucediendo en partes europeas que asociadas con respecto a lo que llaman como "OTAN" y así también diciendo que violaciones así están sucediendo en países como China con Rusia mientras que con forma real están cometiendo muchos abusos ilegales así en partes espaciales europeas y son en parte como la esclavitud ilegal que he sufrido durante años en partes de Europa con muchas violaciones (de los derechos humanos fundamentales) que sufrí en partes europeas (y para mí sería como estúpido repetir varios cursos que ya di a varias autoridades oficiales por varias razones).

    Prefiero emplear mi atención en formas reales positivas que para inentar lo de salir de esta situación e intentar lo de mejorar mis circunstancias vitales y ayer, "19/04/24", fue otro día malo para mí por lo que dinero (más de 8 horas trabajando por menos de 5 coronas suecas -menos de 1 euro-) y en ocasiones coincidentes como objetivo de varias cámaras por algunos shows ilegales que realizaron parte de tales canales (que gozar de impunidad ilegal con respecto a ebormes agresiones ilegales que tales realizar) y demás y tengo mucho trabajo por hacer y deseo lo mejor y creo que lo puedes entender y es que von otroa mucho frío y desapareció unavparte importante de mi bagaje de ropa porque con otros durante tiempos de hoy, "20/04/24, me percaté de ello y lo siento por no hacer la presente mejor pero es una forma de usos que con lo que con otros como el "WhatssApp" y además no soy perfecto ahora porque estoy mal de varios daños y saludos.

    Ismael López Pozo.

    ""Posdata": cabe adjuntar como parte de lo que continuando la presente comunicación un texto que escribí durante un tiempo anterior, y cabe decir hablando de varios temas biológicos en partes de tal.


    PÉRDIDAS -que "texto que escrito durante un tiempo del 12/01/24"-.




    - "Link para ver em video del texto":


    Ismael Lopez Pozo.





  22. On Monday, October 21, 2024, Ismael López Pozo wrote:
    Hello and I say that I show as part of these comunication comunications that I sent to european polices for you know It because of with others I have a house in a part of Chine and the house that I have in a part of Russia and I am kidnapped with circunstances that I told during times and It is stupid continue with comunicating these because without effective helps that I think that I should have received and now exist a lot of chronic damages that they caused to me and these damages have not cure and also all is explained in the comunications that dsngerous for me because of that with others be as the form that I am using and salutations.

    Ismael López Pozo.

    Hello and approximately in relation with respect the previous communication I say that I recently was during 3 consecutive days without food and during two consecutive days without water while with others I walked in a lot of tens of kilometres with hearts failure and I believe that this heart failures were caused because I ate the food with poison (for survive) that they gave me with the most recent forms (and I say that I said that with this ilegal slavery they did to me a testicular destruction with the bad alimentation that I receiving during times that be a long part of these years) and without doubt a murderous criminal organization and I explained the enormous unpunished crimes and I said forms which with others the state european police illegally collaborating with this ilegal actions that are very big and that these police do not leave to defend myself against them with actions that these polices allowing to them everyday and these problems of health have not cure and are very big (and my life totally destroyed by them) and I have fear of these polices because of a lot of agressioms that they did to me and salutations.

    Ismael López Pozo.

    On Sunday, October 13, 2024, Ismael López Pozo wrote:
    Hello, and I say that during a time that be a part of today, "13/10/24", other sexual violation finished while I am a victim of this violation and I say that a lot of european polices be as collaborators with respect this violation that possibly happened to steal "semen of me" with the help
    of this ilegal sexual agression, and a lot of police collaborating with some robberies that steal a lot of millions from me (to create with others the enormous poverty that afflicttong me during years as person that can not use my houses) with the illegal way with which I continue as kidnapped person in some european parts that are for me like an environment of enormous slavery that enslaves me with ilegal form and also they want to do some quirurgical operstions that I do not want and it for robotize me and I can not continue with these konds of comunications because a lot of them only help criminal people with that in part of itself as lies and some polices doing a lot of ilegal action and some of them for usurpating my oficial idenntity when others during times asking me for the "ID card" and the agressions that I told that are very serious for the oficial laws but good for them and can not help more because of the circunstances that are very ilegal during years and greetings.

    Ismael López Pozo.


  23. On Sunday, October 6, 2024, Ismael López Pozo wrote:
    Hello and I say that if some illegal european police circumstances persist with an illegal material form so then it will be as very possible during possible long future times to kill me as referring me some of the illegal paramilitary european groups that enslaving me with a big illegal form and as collaborators with respect to some possible attemps of homicide with some illegal police actions that I already described during times and with this way would be as possible to materialize threats that I received and this threats be about changing me for another with some specific possible circumstances while during times that would be as later with respect to the time that according to this threats would happend while killing me, and with others with the illegal impossibility that I suffer with respect to leaving Europe with physical form due to a lot of illegalities that imposed to me by oficial polices during a lot of times and a part of themselves as robberies that stole me a lot of millions from me for do the present enormous material poverty than with others during years happened while the present illegal european kidnapping happening to me and this ilegal kidnapping in part of itself already served to do a lot of seriously damage to me (as the present damaged testicular part of me due to an aggression that occurred in a center that showed as a center for giving food for the poor people or some broken bonnes of that be as parts of my legs with others) and the present enormous slavery is like too much illegal inhumane and during a time of today ("06/10/24") they sexually violated me again with chemical substances with ilegal form by an enterprise that is not my enterprise and thousands of nights sleeping in streets parts while I as kinadpped with ilegal form and I want to say that during the most recent years currently I never had helps of my family and during times some actors saying lies that be about be a part of my family and I say that a state daughter (who conceivably is not biological daughter of me) is receiving education with a form that teaching to this teenager (that have not a legal age of independance) that she has a lot of oficial names and that "it would be well to stab to Ismael with a dagger that have a Nazi swastika on it" and that "you have she have to put bleach in the food that giving for give" to me and I say that may I can not with respect continuing with reporting illegalities because the situation is so illegal and I am very hurt and more of the 70% of the criminal oficial supposed prisoners being imprisoned because of supposed criminal offenses that according to the legal laws be as minor with respect to any of a lot of these illegalities that I suffering during years and also consenting it as consenting this slow assassination attempt that trying to do to me with helps of european state paramilitary groups and more of 300 illegal police actions of kidnappings that I suffered without going to the oficial juzges for do the juditial procetures that they never did when they had to do it according to the laws and these illegal military groups that would punish me if I do one action of any of the actions that I suffering everyday during years as a kidnapped person in parts of Europe and they never punish the illegalities of these criminals and greetings.

    ismael López Pozo.

    On Thursday, September 12, 2024, Ismael López Pozo wrote:
    Hello and I say that I am trying to send you an important communication, and I say this is very important because of some circunstances that in part as some sucesos that happening during a lot time with respect an european social problem of slavery that have to resolve; I try to send It as an internacional english text that be as part of the next,


  24. and it is important for me to say sorry because of possible inconveniences of this communication because of some illegal circumstances that I feel, and I say that some people (that following me with ilegal form) have a lot of state identities with an illegal form during the same time (and with others it as danish politicians that be as swedish police officers that be as polish judicial workers that be as spanish television workers that be others).

    I also say that an illegal impossibility exists for me with respect receiving state financial aid that they should have given to me while they did not give me it with ilegal forms and they stole a lot of millions for buy some drugs and I need helps and salutations.

    Ismael López Pozo.


    * "English internacional text":

    Hello and I say that with oficial form I am "Ismael López Pozo" and this is the first time with respect me contacting to "Rathaus services of Koblenz" and I say that I am as a victim that victim with respect a very big slavery that exists with ilegal form, and I say that this slavery was reported with oficial form in a lot of parts of spanish oficial courts and I say that I had to report this slavery with oficial form in parts of european parts of some courts that are not as part of Spain because of exhaustions of judicial ways (in spanish parts) while these exhaustions could be as resorted in parts that be outside with respect Spain.

    With others they stole me money that in quantity be as more with respect "30.000 euros" because my banks accounts were stolen during times, and also I have to say that I had some bones as broken during times (while some -of them- be as a fémur with an ankle with others) and approximately they are doing this slavery with impunity in a big part (of Europe) where I continue as a kidnapped person, and a lot of time happened while I was in this manipulated reality that in part as the form that they used for steal my money while stealing the banks accounts that were stolen to me.

    I do not want to speak a lot of this problem;aproximately illegal spanish paramilitary groups following me with ilegal form in parts of a lot of cities that I visited while this cities in number be more with respect 100, and they are using the money that they stole to me for do it while I am without spaces of any house (as homeless person that usually sleeping in parts of the streets).

    I say that I have lived as a homeless person during more that more with respect to ten years that happened (and I slept in spatial parts of streets during more that more with respect to the 90% of the nights that be the nocturnal part of this ten years), and it with a lot of economic problems because they do not leave me with respect to have a bank account in any european part(...).

    *Comunicación ya publicada*.


  25. Hola y digo que actualmente yo no decidí durante una oarte cualquiera de la totalidad del tiempo sucedido unas formas posibles supuestas presentes actuales que acerca de lo que preguntarme en una parte del presente supuesto comentario si tales formas existiendo actualmente, y para mí estando como importante una supuesta presente responsabilidad legal que debería estar durante tiempos con respecto a las formas con que durante tiempos sucedió una parte de lo que como varios importantes movimientos financieros oficiales.

    Actualmente yo tengo varios conocimientos financieros pero son limitados, y también actualmente yo tengo varias nociones que acerca de varios casinos supuestos presentes.

    También digo que durante tiempos con varias formas presentes supuestos varios movimientos financieros presentes supuestos estando durante tiempos como fatídicos para varias personas por lo que con otros estando durante tiempos como varios parámetros que tales personas considerando como decisivos durante tales tiempos y saludos.

    Ismael López Pozo.

  26. Hola y actualmente con una forma presente supuesta no se la forma exacta presente supuesta con que ella durante un tiempo presente supuesto cambiando con tal forma exacta presente supuesta lo que el tren presente supuesto y saludos.

    Ismael López Pozo.
