Cae mi idioma en las huellas de mi mano.
Cae mi idioma en las huellas de mi mano,
echo de menos tus labios en mis labios, tu boca
en mi boca. Contigo todo muere, sin ti no hay vida.
Vivo en el cementerio donde el consuelo
es el recuerdo del pasado.
Mis palabras eran para ti mi beso.
Tu beso era para mi palabras.
Y luego ese choque de olas, el fuego que sabe
que el futuro se arrastrará malherido por el presente.
Ay, si tuviera tiempo para estudiar
a fondo las palabras
y explicar de ellas lo que no se sabe;
por qué ser y estar son suceder cuando son lo mismo,
la libertad del silencio, los espejismos que trae el tiempo.
Echo de menos tu boca en mi boca.
Mis palabras eran para ti mi beso.
Tu beso era para mi palabras.
La tumba tiembla, me azuza y quiere verme,
el daño que me haces sin hacerme,
la noche disipándose como una luna amaneciendo.
Mi cuerpo no olvida
la existencia del amor olvidado.
Tus sietes, tus labios,
el resplandor de la ceniza
y el dolor de mi cuerpo oxidado.
En el verso las calles son mi patio,
el daño que me haces sin hacerme.
La muerte clama sus exigencias
y yo voy a su encuentro para enterrar sus versos.
*Denne kommunikasjonen ble oversatt med en bionisk maskin og kan ha feil*.
ResponderEliminarHej, jeg er i øjeblikket en hjemløs flygtning. Jeg kom til byen ("Köpenhamn"), fordi jeg flygtede fra en enorm ulovlig forfølgelse, som flere illegale paramilitære grupper udførte mod mig. I det land med min nuværende nationalitet (Spanien) blev jeg alvorligt mishandlet, og jeg flygtede. Den ulovlige retslige forsvarsløshed og identitetstyveri og det ulovlige bankdiktatur og diverse angreb er problemer, der berører mig.
Jeg arbejdede for at få information om mulige gratis hjemløse krisecentre i byen og steder, hvor de tilbyder hjælp (tøj eller hjælp til rejsebilletter eller kuponer til mad eller køb af medicin eller brusere eller vasketøj eller andre ting), som jeg kan få.
Jeg siger, at jeg modtog forskellig hjælp, der gjorde det muligt for mig at overleve den dag i dag. Jeg søger dog hjælp og især hjælp fra bureaukratier på grund af min nuværende ulovlige situation. Jeg vil gerne sige, at mit nuværende officielle statsborgerskab vil udløbe i løbet af den følgende uge, hvis jeg ikke vender tilbage til det pågældende land (Spanien) for at udføre de procedurer, der svarer til fornyelsen af statsborgerskabet, og hvis jeg ikke fornyer statsborgerskabet måske kun med pas i nogen tid, det skete, indtil jeg blev efterladt uden officiel identifikationsdokumentation uden at have modtaget hjælp. Jeg siger også dette, hvis disse tjenester er mulige i "Spanien", fordi flere af disse tjenester allerede er blevet nægtet mig i dele af et sådant formodet land.
Jeg var offer for et røveri, der stjal mere end 30.000 euro fra mig, og jeg er i øjeblikket i en vanskelig situation med slaveri, der fortsætter på trods af adskillige klager, og jeg har brug for hjælp, og jeg befinder mig i ekstrem økonomisk fattigdom, og jeg kan ikke foretage kreditkortbetalinger og De kriminelle ønsker at udføre ulovlige kirurgiske operationer på mig, at jeg ikke ønsker at slette oplysningerne om begivenhederne. Jeg har sovet på gaden i cirka 9,5 år, og bankdiktaturet i oprindelseslandet og så videre tillader mig ikke at leve et normalt liv. Hvis jeg går, så vil de måske kidnappe mig til at operere ulovligt, og livet vil fortsætte, som om disse begivenheder ikke var en del af de nuværende samfund.
Jeg blev udsat for meget misbrug og havde allerede flere brækkede knogler (lårben og skinneben og fibula...).
Jeg vil gerne afsløre disse, hvis du kunne hjælpe mig, og hvis du har kapaciteten til at gøre det med følelsesmæssige løsninger, der måske ikke eksisterer på grund af de specifikke omstændigheder i min situation. Det eneste, jeg ønskede, var et normalt liv, og hvad der svarede til mig ifølge juridiske love.
Jeg er bange, og meget af det her er uretfærdigt. Perversitet er farligt for verden, og jeg ved ikke, hvordan jeg vil agere. Du skal blot henvise dette til dig og tak for denne tid tilbragt i denne smukke by. Indtil i dag har jeg ikke været i stand til at informere mig selv om en mulig erhvervelse af en anden nationalitet på trods af årelange flygtninge gennem dele af Europa. Jeg gik flere hundrede kilometer på veje med ødelagte sko og nogle gange sulten og nogle gange kold og nogle gange tørstig. Andre ræsonnerer onde med mulige tidligere liv, som måske ikke skete.
Med ovenstående henviser jeg til min nuværende vanskelige situation for, hvad du kan sige til mig for mulig hjælp, og det vigtigste ville være nationalitet og nu muligvis fjenders læsning og hilsner.
Ismael López Pozo.
Cabe decir ay por con otros lo de si a mí atracar de nuevo...
ResponderEliminarTambién cabe emitir saludos.
Ismael López Pozo.
Hi, "Jan"; I left of smoking and I am trying to continue without smoking.
ResponderEliminarI like the people that respect me, and for me it is important to try to improve.
In part of my way I said thoughts that I believed of regarding my situation, and currently I have financial problems that are big and I have problems in some parts of centers (that are for homeless) because some people sometimes steal me things while I am sleeping and others circunstances of this life without house.
I contacted with a part of the Russian government and with a part of the China govetment and I said to a part of them that I would go to "China" if the chinese government ask me for be there because I have confiance in the chinese society and I would go if they pay me for travelling there and also with this bad economic circunstances bevause of this confiance, and I also I could pay the wastes of the travell with works that can be with the rice.
Also I am only one person more and individually everybody are as diferents, and I said this because of showing this confiance and flr offers me as worker person and others.
I will face the future as I have to face the future and some illegalities happened and these are unpredictable, and I currently I am in a difficult situation of illegally slavery.
I would like to invite you for driink some coffees (or others) and too wirh the beautiful asian girl (that I met and that is very polite) but currently I am very bad of money and sorry.
You can try to contact me if you want while you can do it and the other day
the "R.Madrid" won in the "Europe oficial football competition", and I am living with some problems that are circunstances and I want to improve and I hope the best and salutations.
Ismael López Pozo.
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ResponderEliminar"The faces vs the wets, and I like the football but to bit brother does not like it"...
ResponderEliminarHola y cabe decir que yo exponiendo con la presente comunicación un conjunto de información telemática con una imagen que mostrando información identificativa que aparecer como parte de mi pasaporte actual, que mostrar en tal parte con tal imagen. Cabe decir que tal imagen telemática estar como referente con respecto a servicios bancarios -de una supuesta cuenta bancaria- que con otros yo intentaba realizar con ayuda de servicios telemáticos de esta empresa, "B(...)", durante un tiempo del 15/03/24.
ResponderEliminarYo digo que me fue imposible realizar usos que como tales estando con respecto a tales servicios bancarios, y así con forma que conforme con respecto a lo expresado por la totalidad de lo que acordaría para tales acciones presentes y cabe decir con otros no realizando una supuesta verificación necesaria el programa bancario -que con forma supuesta tramitaría tales- a pesar de que yo envié la parte de la información telemática que tal programa exigía como requisito para realizar tal verificación, que necesaria para realizar usos que como tales con respecto a tales servicios bancarios.
Cabe decir que SOLICITO que borren la totalidad de lo que llamar como mis datos personales con respecto a lo que tramitando esta empresa, "B(...)", y así por imposibilidad a practicar lo expresado por la totalidad de lo que con respecto a tales usos bancarios posibles mientras con la presente comunicación yo actualmente terminar la totalidad de legales tratamientos que yo mantuve con este empresa, "B(...)", con forma con que legalmente no unirme con respecto a tal un acuerdo legal ni acuerdos legales y saludos.
Ismael Lopez Pozo.
Posdata: intenté registrar con lo que con otros estando comi la expresión "de email" que "" mientras así en partes de internet que referentes a lo que llamar como la supuesta página web de esta empresa, "B(...)".
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ResponderEliminarHola y cabe decir que si varias circunstancias ilegales policiales persistiendo con forma material ilegal pues entonces ya estará como muy posible durante posibles tiempos futuros largos lo de matarme como referenciando varios de los grupos ilegales paramilitares que esclavizándome con forma enorme ilegal, y como colaboradoras con respecto a varios posibles intentos de homicidio estando varias actuaciones policiales ilegales que ya describí y como posible estaría lo de materializar amenazas recibidas que acerca de cambiarme por otro con varias circunstancias posibles concretas mientras durante tiempos que posteriores con respecto al tiempo que según tales amenazas sucedería mientras matarme (por lo que con otros como imposibilidad ilegal que como tal con respecto a lo de yo dejar con forma física Europa por ilegalidades impuestas policiales que en parte de sí mismas como lo que robos que robarme varias cantidades económicas millonarias para lo que con otros como la presente enorme pobreza material que con otros durante años que sucedieron mientras sucediendo el presente secuestro ilegal europeo que en parte de sí mismo ya sirvió para dañarme con grave forma la presente parte testicular dañada mía por una agresión sucedida) y la presente esclavitud enorme es como demasiado ilegal inhumana y saludos.
ResponderEliminarIsmael López Pozo.
"Re (corregida mejorada)".
ResponderEliminarHola y digo gracias por la presente contestación supuesta, y digo que yo envié el presente "curriculum" presente supuesto como el archivo telemático presente supuesto por si interesare porque durante tiempos yo presentarme como un candidato presente supuesto que como tal candidato con respecto a varias presentes ofertas laborales supuestas que como tales con respecto a varios posibles trabajos reglados remunerados.
Digo que durante tiempos envié tal modelo de currículum que distinguiéndose por lo que con otros estando como varias expresiones idiomáticas alemanas concretas que expuestas como parte de tal "curriculum" para lo que con otros como varias partes de varias presentaciones mías que presentaciones que yo durante tiempos realizando como un candidato presente supuesto que como tal candidato con respecto a varias presentes ofertas laborales supuestas alemanas que como tales con respecto a varios posibles trabajos reglados remunerados alemanes.
Digo que durante tiempos así envié yo tal "curriculum" por si interesare por lo de yo presentarme durante tiempos como tal candidatos, y digo que para mí estando como única cualquier de persona que formando la totalidad de las gentes de siempre a pesar de muchos rasgos comunes que inherentes con respecto a lo esencial de las personas, y digo que una parte presente supuesta de tal empresa presente supuesta, "...", ya dio varias supuestas ayudas individuales hacia cualquiera de las personas de varios grupos sociales presentes supuestos mientras que así tal empresa dio en varias partes espaciales de varios países presentes supuestos oficiales según nociones mías empíricas y saludos.
Ismael López Pozo.
Hi, "Andy"; I say that I received the messaje during a time of yesterday, and a lot of tasks existing now for me and I suppose that perhaps I will have to make soon some important decisions for myself and I think I will need a lot of my future time for doing some of these tasks.
ResponderEliminarI believe that I will have to try to improve some of my life circunstances and and I believe that I need to evaluate some of the past success for it as part of these tasks and I recently I gave you my latest important news and I hope the best and greetings.
Ismael López Pozo.
"Beschwerde: illegale Aufmerksamkeit".
ResponderEliminarHallo und ich sage, dass es sich bei dieser Nachricht um eine Beschwerde handelt.
Diese Nachricht gilt für einen Kauf, dessen Ticket sich auf Folgendes bezieht.
In früheren Zeiten im Vergleich zu heute (aus "10/12/24") Ich habe Dutzende Male im Supermarkt gekauft ohne Probleme aber während des genannten Kaufs Ich wurde Opfer mehrerer Angriffe mit dem mich die Person, die mir das genannte Ticket gegeben hat, illegal angegriffen hat. Ich sage, dass der Angreifer dieser Aggression ist Teil einer illegalen Gruppe als sich auf verschiedene Betrügereien einzulassen im Zusammenhang mit illegalen Arbeitsverträgen und illegalem Identitätsdiebstahl während mehrere Leute aus dieser illegalen Gruppe Sie berühren einen Teil ihres Kots und berühren dann das Essen mit schmutzigen Händen und auch aufgrund der Handlungen von Menschen aus dieser Gruppe werden den verkauften Lebensmitteln manchmal illegal giftige Substanzen zugesetzt, die unter verschiedenen Umständen zum Tod von Kindern führen können.
Ich sage, dass diese Person mich auf eine unhöfliche Weise ansprach, mit der er mich zeitweise beleidigte und mich auf verschiedene Arten beleidigte.
Ich sage, dass diese Person äußerst unangenehm gerochen hat, ähnlich wie in verschiedenen Schweineställen während der Arbeitszeit.
Ich sage, dass auch der Sicherheitsbeamte des Zentrums gekommen ist, und ich habe den Angriff bestätigt und gesagt, dass ich die Polizei rufen würde, wenn er mich weiterhin angreifen würde und nachdem ich den Strafzettel eingefordert hatte, ging ich, da ich über die unsachgemäße Behandlung sehr beunruhigt war, denn auch als Kunde glaube ich, dass er mich nicht so verteidigt hat, wie er sollte, gegen die illegalen Angriffe.
Ich versuche, dieser Mitteilung einen Lebenslauf für mögliche bezahlte Jobs beizufügen, und ich sage, dass diese Gruppe mit Leuten einer anderen bekannten Supermarktmarke illegal Lebensmittel manipuliert.
Im Moment habe ich nicht vor, unter diesen Umständen in diesen Supermarkt zurückzukehren, und ich sage, dass ich nicht für Unternehmen der besagten kriminellen Gruppe arbeite und grüße.
Ismael López Pozo.
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ResponderEliminarEste comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ResponderEliminarEste comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
ResponderEliminar"PS": this illness (that they did in my heart) is very serious and devastating.
ResponderEliminarI have lost 10 € with a part of my problems, and I think that I will have to change a lot for trying to improve some circunstances of my life; I need a lot of discipline.
I want to treat my illness in a part of some of my allies, and I would like to treat it by some chinese doctors; I would be very bad without their support but with others it is very bad manipulated by some circunstances of this "extermination camp".
A supposed famous poetry, "Pablo Neruda, wrotte with a supposed form during a time a supposed poem that be called "Ode to the sadness", and some oficial parts of institutions saying that the poem in part of itself saying "Sadness, beetle with seven broken legs, (...) I will bury your rodent bones under the spring of an apple tree".
I hope the best and salutations.
Ismael López Pozo.
Hi; currently I am in a spatial part that be a part of the present supposed Germany, and the present supposed winter had a lot of parts that have been very hard for me because of the present supposed cold and the mentioned winter did not finish yet.
ResponderEliminarDuring a time of yesterday, that "11/01/25", some economic problems came back to me with a present supposed form and now, "00:45 h aprox. of the 12/01/25", I won an economic amount that in value currently be as less with respect to 11 € because of the totality of the works that I did during the time that currently being as the "11/01/25" that now happened.
My hands currently are bad because of the present supposed cold and I say that very cold here during these present supposed days, and I was as very sick during the time of the last night, the "night of 10/01/25 to 11/01/25", because of some problems of the health of my heart condition and currently I think that I can not eat some foods that they gave me during times because these foods were during times with some sustances that hurt a lot some parts of my heart during times.
I tried to expand my consciousness during times, and it expanded with a special form since the time that happened while I met "Copenaghe"; this illegal slavery has been an important aspect of my life during a lot of years, and during times I knew other cities that in part of them currently being as "Bratislava" with "Oslo".
My political ideology be as improving in some aspects of itself during times, and perhaps currently I am as too idealistic but I currently am as thinking that it is not bad; also currently it is as personal and during some weighted times I as improving with respect to knowing myself better with respect to times that happened as before with respect the mentioned weighted times.
I currently believe that for a story of the present supposed history the mentioned "Pablo Neruda" wrote during a time about a supposed present historical fact that currently being with respect to that he did not understand some consecrated texts during times.
During times I read some parts of some newspapers and during times I read some articles that currently being about some problems that currently existing with a present supposed form with respect to which currently being as "Greenland", that with a present supposed form currently being as a part of "Denmark".
In these european spatial parts during times they had as an order which currently being with respect to isolate me with an ilegal form and with others during a lot of times some actions for me were as impossible while these mentioned actions currently being about of communicate with them because with others the legal current laws are as bad for them while also some important notions of the present supposed medicine are bad for them and it currently being as it because with others they denying during times the importance of the oficial politics that they denigrating during times, and also it currently being as it because they denying during times the importance of some essential aspects of the maths and with others a lot of logical systems currently are bad for them while the mentioned logical systems with others were as taught to me during times in some spatial parts of some official schools.
Currently I continue as a kidnapped person with the mentioned illegal forms in some spatial european parts while I currently being without the money that was stolen during times to me, and with others I currently continue without the oficial economic pension that they stole to me during a time; obviously currently I live in a part of a manipulated environment, and also they stole my banks accounts during times while I have slept in spatial parts of streets during the present supposed nocturnal times that currently being as more with respect to the totality of the nights that you currently can find in the totality of the parts of ten present supposed years that currently happened.
Also I currently hope the best, and salutations.
Ismael López Pozo.
"PS": also currently, "18:08h aprox. of the 12/01/25", I won an economic amount that in value currently being as less with respect to 6€ because of the totality of the works that I did during the time that currently being as the happened part of today, "12/01/25"; in average I as winning for each day of these present supposed years an amount that currently being as less with respect to the money that I should have won for each day of the totality of these present supposed years because of which with others currently being as the present supposed pension that they had to pay to me with a present supposed form because of some legal current laws while they never gave me it with ilegal form.
ResponderEliminarAlso the pension would do during these years as possible which that currently being for me as having a protection of a house, and I should to be as winning the pension with a present supposed form without doing which in average currently being as that I had to work during a time that currently being as more with respect 8 hours of each day of the totality of the mentioned years (for survive).
With others the mentioned ilegal circunstances currently continue, and perhaps I will be without writting to you during some days of the future because with others I currently have to continue with respect to working hard for survive while they are wasting the money that they stole to me during times in which currently being as some quantitys of cocaine with others and my health currently is very damaged because of a part of the ilegalities that were mentioned to you by me during times and salutations.
Ismael López Pozo.
Hello and I say that for this present coincidental occasion I am trying to evoke a part of a poem that with a present supposed form was written by a consecrated italian poet that currently being with a present supposed historical form as "Cesare Pavese"; this present supposed part with a supposed present form currently being as saying that "(...) the death will come and the death will have your eyes (...)".
ResponderEliminarI say that recently I listened a famous rocker song during a time that happened while I was listening to a radio, and I say that the present supposed song was made with a present supposed historical form by "Andres Calamaro", a present supposed famous rocker argentinean singer.
I say that with a present supposed form "Andres Calamaro" during times saying a part of the mentioned song that saying that "(...) the death will come and it will have your eyes; the sad wine will have your eyes: the betrayal also will have your red eyes (...)".
Currently I continue as thinking that the mentioned ilegalities are not democratic while it currently as being as the ilegalities that they during times did to me as a part of the mentioned ilegal slavery that I tried to describe to you during times; currently I continue as thinking that they currently should do with a fast form some politics for currently do with a fast form more oficial economic banks in some european parts for try to do not deny during present supposed times of the future with ilegal forms to any part of the people the mentioned right that currently being as about to having a bank account with a legal form in any part of the present supposed spatial european parts while these mentioned banks during present supposed times for me currently should be as asian or russian.
I also say salutations.
Ismael López Pozo.
ResponderEliminarHallo und ich bin Ismael Lopez Pozo und derzeit ein Obdachloser in einem Teil der Stadt, "Saarbrücken".
Ich sende Ihnen diese Nachricht, um Sie darüber zu informieren, dass eine Tasche mit mehreren Gegenständen gestohlen wurde, darunter auch die Decken, mit denen ich nachts geschlafen habe.
Der Raubüberfall wurde am "06/02/25" . gegen "00:30h" in einem Teil des Saarufers verübt, der etwa zwischen einem Teil der Saar und einem Teil des Gebäudes der Congresshalle liegt Von "Hafenstraße 12 Saarbrücken 66111".
Die Flucht erfolgte schnell mit einem elektrischen Gerät, aber sie gehörten zu der Gruppe von Kriminellen, die mich jahrelang illegal schikanierten, insbesondere zu illegalen spanischen paramilitärischen Gruppen.
Ich teile dies, um den Diebstahl zu melden, weil die illegale Verdorbenheit dieser Gruppe enorm ist und diese Gruppe bereits mehrere Verbrechen begangen hat und ich Opfer mehrerer Angriffe geworden bin und dieser Diebstahl mich ohne die Decken zurücklässt, in denen ich in den Winternächten, die sich im Rahmen dieses aktuellen Winters entwickelten, auf mehreren Straßen in verschiedenen Regionen schlafen musste, während ich derzeit aufgrund der Gifte dieser Gruppe von Sklavenhändlern an einer Herzkrankheit leide und derzeit auch unter illegaler Armut leide, weil sie mir mehrere Zehntausend Euro gestohlen haben, und ich weiß, dass sie normalerweise Verbrechen begehen, weil offizielle europäische Polizeigruppen sie illegal beschützen und derzeit bin ich schlecht für dieses und mehrere und Grüße.
Ismael López Pozo.
Hola y si es con una forma presente supuesta actualmente como cierto lo de que actualmente existir con una forma presente supuesta otra vida mía presente supuesta que lo que yo viviere con una forma presente supuesta durante el presente tiempo supuesto que sucediendo con una forma presente supuesta mientras yo como un muerto presente supuesto pues entonces agradecieren a mí lo presente supuesto durante una parte presente supuesta de tal presente tiempo supuesto que sucediendo con una forma presente supuesta mientras yo como un muerto presente supuesto y saludos.
ResponderEliminarIsmael López Pozo.
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ResponderEliminarHallo, heute "23/02/25", habe ich eine Weile in "WC (...)" Von die "(...)" "(...).
Ich kam gegen "17:15h" Von die "23/02/25" und ich glaube, sie warteten schon auf mich, weil eine angeblich berufstätige Frau auf mich zukam und unter anderem seltsame Dinge erwähnte.
Bevor ich den Gewerbebereich des Badezimmers verließ, bemerkte ich mehrere Ereignisse und bevor ich ging, wurde mir klar, dass der Automat mir nicht 0,10 € zurückgegeben hatte, sondern dass er mir hätte zurückgeben sollen, und ich teilte dies der oben genannten berufstätigen Frau mit, die mir sagte, dass ich es auf Portugiesisch sprechen müsse, um es zu verstehen.
Derzeit kann ich die einzige Münze, die ich aufgrund dieses Problems verloren habe, nicht mit der Gewissheit zurückerhalten, dass es sich um dieselbe identische Münze handelt, und ich melde die Störung auch, obwohl ich diese Toiletten an anderen Tagen viele Male und ohne erkennbare Probleme benutzt habe, und ich melde sie mit Näherungswerten und füge auch einen Lebenslauf von mir auf Deutsch für mögliche bezahlte Jobs bei und ich bin nicht dumm, wenn es um fairen Handel und das Internet ist kein Kastell und ein Grüße.
Ismael López Pozo.