domingo, 7 de enero de 2018

Poema en seis partes.

Poema en seis partes.

Tendría que haberse visto con mis ojos
que aprendieron su rostro.
Sabría entonces de este pálpito en el pecho
cuando al evocarla dice mi nombre
emergiendo del recuerdo con la mirada poética,
con la figura blanca que tallo en verso,
con la urdimbre del oleaje en sus cabellos.
Qué tentación ascender hasta su boca
y hacer de sus labios mi beso
disolviendo la densidad de mis perfiles.

-. II.-

Conviven mis lágrimas con su duelo en una cadencia oscura,
columna de la forma trémula en movimiento.
Posee la mariposa de humo que rutila en mi garganta.


Vuela en su nave sobre el agua,
vuela sobre el espejo del cielo
impregnado de metáforas muertas.
Sobrepasa las cosas de espacio,
no romperá el tapiz del horizonte
ni hablará ni irá despacio
por no verse, por no llorar.
Lleva su astrolabio en el pecho
y huye, huye. En el frío,
en el frío, en el frío,
con dolor de amor de piedra viva
se va.


He sido policía del viento, impalpable
por la espuma.
Si hablé de política nombré el amor y la revolución.
Si escribo este poema no ha sido por el tiempo que compartimos
sino por el que no compartimos
precisamente por el tiempo que compartimos.
Naufragué por el sueño inmóvil, por su nombre laberíntico.
De como sangra el verso lo se yo.


La vida muerta retornó implacable a esta orilla de nadie.
Me atrapó la tristeza tenebrosa entre sus muros infinitos,
me atrapó toda ella vistiéndome de soledad.


El árbol genital debe arrancar sus raíces
de la tierra,
madurar sus frutos y volver
a  la niñez.
"Click" aquí para ver el vídeo de Youtube. 
.-_Ismael López Pozo_-.

2 comentarios:

  1. Hello; I received a little of information of the subject of posible jobs in "Danmark". One job is looking for a job, and I can say to you a little of information to direct you to some offerts of posible jobs that offering. I think that you should ask in a part of one "state office of job search" with questions about the jobs that telling you with words of this message (if you are interested in it).

    Some people told me that currently they were looking for people for "nursing jobs" in "Denmark", and I show a "link" of part of this as the next:


    Some people also told me that they were looking for people for posible
    jobs of construction, and I think that a part (of the "job search") should be look for companies (or a company) that be searching people with your qualities and I show a "link" as the next:


    Also there are offers (of possible jobs) that mentioning posible jobs with shoes and with other clothes; "(...)" may can be special for you because of your qualities (if you are interested in posible jobs of this enterprise). Have you tried with send to them your "job curriculum"? This enteprise may seems good for you because of your qualities. Is not good for you?

    I say that also others exist as a lot of others enterprises that working with clothes and for example "(...)" is one of them and others exist and some of them be specially occupped with job with shoes and I show a "link" of one of the showed offerts of possibles jobs (with shoes) as the next:


    With respect to me I could say a lot of notions about my ideology that I mentioned as "sovietique asiatique" ideology and some of them are geographical and some of them are political and some of them are of other types. There is a lot of information in a lot of dictionaries. I was watching some "Youtube videos" during a time of yesterday, "30/03/24",
    and with others I saw the national song anthem of China in "Youtube" and the national anthem song of Russia in "Youtube" and the national anthem song of "Soviet Union" in "Youtube".

    They make geographical political division to divide Spain for do more of one country with it and these circunstances affect to my currently nationality and some millions of people are doing this political division with some oficially elections and others, and for example oficially some succes have already happened with the "Soviet Union" and with others and for example some people were born as "soviets" and today they officially call to these people as lithuanians because of political notions and there are a lot of information in parts of the "internet" and I show you a "link" about a "free encyclopedia" that be in parts of the internet as next:


    I recommend to you to have to be careful with the informations of the internet because a lot of false information exist as part of "internet" and I hope the best and salutations.

    Ismael Lopez Pozo.

  2. "Link para (...) comunicación telemática en inglés".
